Monday, June 7, 2010

overdoing it

We've all had those days.

You know, the ones where you don't want to think about how many Hershey Kisses you consumed (or in my case, Mini Reese's Cups.) Chances are, you haven't done too much damage after a day or two of noshing on junk food but you definitely need to keep it clean for the next few days. So, how to negate the damage? Here's the plan.

  • Drink lots of water to flush toxins out of your system and keep you full. Many people actually end up overeating because they are thirsty not hungry. Good to know, right?
  • Try to keep your diet "clean" for the next few days. Basically, don't eat foods that come out of a box or package. Stick with fruits, veggies, meat, fish and rice. Although it can be super hard to get started, I always do feel better when I live this way. Damn those Reese's...
  • Get some endorphins! Even if you can only exercise for ten minutes, make it count. Do some lunges, jumping jacks or yoga. Whatever you can do to break a sweat will help you feel better.
  • Make that a virgin. Stay away from alcohol for a few days if you can. If you can't, there's probably an issue. Alcohol dehydrates everything about you and also makes you look bloated and generally less attractive than usual. So, if you can help it, I recommend laying off the booze most of the time.

*Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

workin' on the road

If you need a quick workout that you can take with you on your travels, check out the video below. Celebrity Trainer, David Kirsch offers a ten minute total body workout with a focus on abs & arms. While you're there, check out some of the other great videos and workouts offered on The magazine offers some really innovative routines to spice up your gym time.

*Photo of David Kirsch Courtesy of Creative Commons

starting the day off right

Isn't Trader Joe's the best? Their stuff is healthy, cheap and tasty to boot.

For those of you who can't be bothered with breakfast, they make really yummy steel cut oatmeal packages that you can keep frozen in little pods. They cook in the microwave in about 2 minutes and are much more nutritious than those Quaker oatmeal packets you grew up with. To top it all off, a large bowl is 150 calories. Sweet!

role models

As I paged through my new issue of Elle Magazine, I came upon an article entitled "Weight in Hollywood: Is the Trend Changing?" and became very excited. I assumed that maybe, just maybe, magazines had decided to start offering healthier role models for young girls and adults alike.

As I read the article about certain high-end designers displaying plus size models at their runway shows, I actually felt proud for them. Then I looked at the corresponding picture.

Below is one of the plus size models.

Really? I know she doesn't look like the typical runway model, cracked out and living on celery but she is not plus size. Women know clothes and sizes. That girl is a size two, if that. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm a tiny lady but I was born that way and eat and exercise normally. If you want to have skinny models then by all means- but don't put a 115 pound girl on a runway and call it plus size, because then you're just a liar.

I do believe that women should be fairly represented in magazines and that young girls shouldn't look up to women who refuse to eat in order to maintain their figure.

Below is a photo of Christie Brinkley in the 70's. Brinkley is arguably one of the most well known super models of that time and look at the curves and muscle definition. She may be trim but she looks gorgeous and healthy!

Anyways, no matter how tall or thin you are (or aren't) it's important to eat well, exercise often and maintain a shape that looks healthy, not sickly. I think as long as women follow the old rule to sweat everyday and stay away from junk, that bikini bod will come naturally.

Just relax and try to do the best for your bod!

*Photos Courtesy of Creative Commons

Sunday, June 6, 2010

healthy eats

Looking for a light, refreshing take on chicken Parmesan for the summer? Then you'll love my yummy twist on an old fashioned favorite.

You can whip this up outside on the grill or bake it in your oven for 25 minutes at 350. Either way, it's light, filling and super tasty. I paired it with half a baked potato and a mixed greens salad that included raspberries, walnuts, mushrooms and onions. A light vinaigrette is perfect over the salad. Enjoy!

Summer Chicken
  • Organic, Cage Free Chicken Breasts

  • Vinaigrette or Soy Marinade (whatever you prefer)

  • One Ball of Mozzarella Cheese

  • 2 Tomatoes (Diced)

Marinate your chicken for 25 minutes. Next, cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove foil and place thinly sliced mozzarella and diced tomatoes on top of chicken. Bake or grill for an additional 5-8 minutes. Serve!