Monday, June 7, 2010

overdoing it

We've all had those days.

You know, the ones where you don't want to think about how many Hershey Kisses you consumed (or in my case, Mini Reese's Cups.) Chances are, you haven't done too much damage after a day or two of noshing on junk food but you definitely need to keep it clean for the next few days. So, how to negate the damage? Here's the plan.

  • Drink lots of water to flush toxins out of your system and keep you full. Many people actually end up overeating because they are thirsty not hungry. Good to know, right?
  • Try to keep your diet "clean" for the next few days. Basically, don't eat foods that come out of a box or package. Stick with fruits, veggies, meat, fish and rice. Although it can be super hard to get started, I always do feel better when I live this way. Damn those Reese's...
  • Get some endorphins! Even if you can only exercise for ten minutes, make it count. Do some lunges, jumping jacks or yoga. Whatever you can do to break a sweat will help you feel better.
  • Make that a virgin. Stay away from alcohol for a few days if you can. If you can't, there's probably an issue. Alcohol dehydrates everything about you and also makes you look bloated and generally less attractive than usual. So, if you can help it, I recommend laying off the booze most of the time.

*Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

workin' on the road

If you need a quick workout that you can take with you on your travels, check out the video below. Celebrity Trainer, David Kirsch offers a ten minute total body workout with a focus on abs & arms. While you're there, check out some of the other great videos and workouts offered on The magazine offers some really innovative routines to spice up your gym time.

*Photo of David Kirsch Courtesy of Creative Commons

starting the day off right

Isn't Trader Joe's the best? Their stuff is healthy, cheap and tasty to boot.

For those of you who can't be bothered with breakfast, they make really yummy steel cut oatmeal packages that you can keep frozen in little pods. They cook in the microwave in about 2 minutes and are much more nutritious than those Quaker oatmeal packets you grew up with. To top it all off, a large bowl is 150 calories. Sweet!

role models

As I paged through my new issue of Elle Magazine, I came upon an article entitled "Weight in Hollywood: Is the Trend Changing?" and became very excited. I assumed that maybe, just maybe, magazines had decided to start offering healthier role models for young girls and adults alike.

As I read the article about certain high-end designers displaying plus size models at their runway shows, I actually felt proud for them. Then I looked at the corresponding picture.

Below is one of the plus size models.

Really? I know she doesn't look like the typical runway model, cracked out and living on celery but she is not plus size. Women know clothes and sizes. That girl is a size two, if that. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm a tiny lady but I was born that way and eat and exercise normally. If you want to have skinny models then by all means- but don't put a 115 pound girl on a runway and call it plus size, because then you're just a liar.

I do believe that women should be fairly represented in magazines and that young girls shouldn't look up to women who refuse to eat in order to maintain their figure.

Below is a photo of Christie Brinkley in the 70's. Brinkley is arguably one of the most well known super models of that time and look at the curves and muscle definition. She may be trim but she looks gorgeous and healthy!

Anyways, no matter how tall or thin you are (or aren't) it's important to eat well, exercise often and maintain a shape that looks healthy, not sickly. I think as long as women follow the old rule to sweat everyday and stay away from junk, that bikini bod will come naturally.

Just relax and try to do the best for your bod!

*Photos Courtesy of Creative Commons

Sunday, June 6, 2010

healthy eats

Looking for a light, refreshing take on chicken Parmesan for the summer? Then you'll love my yummy twist on an old fashioned favorite.

You can whip this up outside on the grill or bake it in your oven for 25 minutes at 350. Either way, it's light, filling and super tasty. I paired it with half a baked potato and a mixed greens salad that included raspberries, walnuts, mushrooms and onions. A light vinaigrette is perfect over the salad. Enjoy!

Summer Chicken
  • Organic, Cage Free Chicken Breasts

  • Vinaigrette or Soy Marinade (whatever you prefer)

  • One Ball of Mozzarella Cheese

  • 2 Tomatoes (Diced)

Marinate your chicken for 25 minutes. Next, cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove foil and place thinly sliced mozzarella and diced tomatoes on top of chicken. Bake or grill for an additional 5-8 minutes. Serve!

Monday, May 24, 2010

not fit & not philly

Fact: You cannot count calories at the shore.

Mainly because if you actually knew what was in that funnel cake, you'd probably run away screaming. Best just not to go there. So, in the name of Memorial Day weekend, I am temporarily calling it quits on the healthy eats to give a shout out to my favorite naughty treats.

If you can't handle the truth, walk or bike to the boardwalk instead of driving. That might negate 1% of the damage.

  • Mack and Manco's- Sausage pizza. Any pizza. Various locations in Ocean City (OC)

  • Uncle Bills Pancake House- Chocolate chip pancakes, stuffed french toast, anything on the menu will do the trick. You can find this wonderful establishment in several NJ beach towns.

  • Brown's- Go for the house made doughnuts. Bonus for your bod- they are pretty small. Located on the OC boardwalk.

  • Smitty's Clam Bar- Grilled tuna, seafood au gratin & clam chowder should all be on your taste test list. Enjoy your meal on the popular bar stools or inside this long time Somers Point favorite. (Somers Point)

  • Shriver's Salt Water Taffy & Fudge Shop- Best chocolate coconut clusters ever. (OC boardwalk)

  • Sylvester's Fish Market & Restaurant- Delicious and reasonable dinners in a covered, outdoor, family-friendly environment. (Avalon)

  • Springer's Homemade Ice Cream- The yummy ice cream is worth the wait. (Stone Harbor)

  • Finally, my hometown favorite, Kessel's Korner. Kessel's is one of those great 1950's style mini diners with quick, cheap, yummy eats. Is any one dish spectacular? Probably not. But everything on the menu is good, service is quick and you'll be shocked when you see how low your bill is. I should buy stock in this place because I'm pretty sure my family keeps them running. (28th & Asbury, OC)

*Photo via creative commons

Monday, May 10, 2010

be flexible

Can you tell the difference between basic workout soreness and injury?

Not everyone can.

Even though bikini season is upon us, sometimes you need to relax and take a breather. If you don't take a day off between workouts every now and then, or more importantly, take time to properly stretch-you can and will hurt yourself.

Remember that faint muscle fatigue is normal and healthy. Taking a walk or light workout will even help this pain by breaking up the lactic acid build-up. However, if you feel intense physical discomfort when working out (or generally,) you need to take a rest and perhaps even see a physician.

Shape Magazine's Web Site has some fabulous tips to help you stretch properly.

Visit them here...

*Image Via Creative Commons

budget workouts

Is your gym membership becoming a little too costly?

I know the feeling.

However, you can still feel the burn without setting your paycheck on fire. By investing in a few simple (and cheap) gadgets, you can create a personal home gym that will keep you in fightin' shape.

Here's a list of some of my favorite at-home workout essentials:

  • Resistance Bands- These are truly great. They give you long, lean muscles and take up no space, so you can pack them whenever you travel. They are also super cheap! A must have.

  • Jump Rope- A great easy workout to rev your heart rate and work the entire body. This also travels extremely well and you can purchase them pretty much anywhere. I think CVS even sells them.

  • Exercise Balls- Use these for ab-work and cardio. They are also fun to sit on if you have recently moved and don't have any furniture.

  • A "Step"- I know these were huge in the 80's but they really work. Not only can you dance your pants off to your own personal "step class," you can also use them for cardio, weight training, lunges, leg lifts and jumps.

  • Hand Weights-Pretty cheap and extremely effective. Personally, I think that weight machines bulk me up and are often uncomfortable for my small frame. I like the personal control that I have with hand weights and I always see better results. You can pick up a pair of 3 or 5 pound weights at target for less than $15 bucks. Pretty good deal.

For those of you who are interested in exploring options outside the home, I suggest looking into purchasing a bike or participating in a group sport activity. Group personal training sessions are another way to save money. Many gyms, yoga & pilates studio's offer reduced rates if you sign up for a group session and split with a friend.

Finally, one of the cheapest and most effective gadgets you can purchase is a pedometer. You can literally buy these anywhere-so you can choose between modest dollar store versions or super chic ones that offer calorie counts and heart rates. Look into this. By simply monitoring how many steps you take a day, you'll push yourself to get a little more active.

All of those tiny steps really do add up.

*Image via Creative Commons

Sunday, May 9, 2010

beach buns

Do you need to get your buns in gear?

Chill out. The secret to perkier buns is easier than you might think! If you need to tone up down below before you slip on your bikini, I suggest you start doing lunges. Although they can get a little tedious, lunges and squats are your glutes best friend.

Try the routine below for some quick lift!
  • Alternate jogging, sprinting & walking uphill on a treadmill or outside for at least 20 minutes.

  • 30 lunges per side. Make sure not to alternate legs-you need to exhaust the muscle group.

  • 15 leg lifts per side. (15 front, 15 side, 15 back.)

  • 30 squats

  • 30 jumpees or plie's (for all you dancers.)

  • Jump rope for 2 minutes.

  • Cool down/ stretching

*Photo of Jessica Alba's Booty via Creative Commons

put down the snickers

Snacking is important. Eating small, healthy meals every few hours keeps your metabolism humming along and stops you from ravenously hitting the drive-thru on your way home from work. Be sure to keep these snacks handy and you may find yourself hitting the vending machines less often.

Salty/ More Savory Snacks
Kashi TLC Snack Cracker Pack- 130 cals
10 Olives- 90 calories
1/2 Cup Cherry Tomatoes- 94 cals
1 Container Fage Yogurt- 173 cals
Popchips- 100 cals (1 serving)
1 Tbsp Hummus & 16 Baby Carrots- 100 cals

Sweet Treats
Nesquick Chocolate Milk- 100 cals
Emerald Nuts Cocoa Roast Almonds- 100 Calories (100 Cal Pack)
Weight Watchers Brownie- 120 cals
Sugar Free Jello- 10 cals
Sugar Free Puddings- 60 cals

*Image via Creative Commons
*Nutritional Information Compliments of

Slenderita !

I'm in love.

Having a Rita's Water Ice one block away from my apartment is kind of a curse. Fortunately, the kind people at Rita's discovered a way to save my figure before bikini season.

It's called Slenderita!

Slenderita is Rita's brand new, fat-free soft serve treat that is delicious solo or atop your favorite water ice flavor! So, how is Slenderita different from regular custard? Well, a regular cup of Rita's custard will set you back about 330 calories.

Slenderita saves your waist by whittling away 100 of those calories without sacrificing any flavor. Seriously, this stuff tastes exactly the same.

Below I've listed the calorie counts for both Slenderita and Rita's delicious Sugar Free Water Ice, along with some of your favorite toppings. Yum!

Kids: 160 Cal
Regular: 230 Cal
Large: 300 Cal

Sugar Free Water Ice
Kids: 80 Cal
Regular: 130 Cal
Large: 210 Cal

Cake Cone: 10 Cal
Waffle Cone: 40 Cal
Sprinkles: 35 Cal
Hot Fudge: 90 Cal
Hot Caramel: 90 Cal
M & M'S: 110 Cal
Oreo's: 140 Cal

*Nutritional Information Courtesy of
*Photo via Creative Commons

Monday, May 3, 2010

road trip

Do you need to spice up your regular Saturday routine?

If so, I've put together a road trip through Philly to brighten your day. Here you will find a list of my favorite city spots that will offer you a fun and healthy way to spend your next weekend. This little excursion commences at the 15th & locust area and it clocks in at slightly over 6 miles. woo hoo! Do you feel skinnier yet?

Don't worry, I aim to please, so there's a little something for everyone on this guided tour.

  • Hit up the Reading Terminal for a mid morning bite at 12th & Arch.

  • Next, mosey on down to the Philadelphia Magic Gardens, located on 1020 South Street. This spot is perfect if you have a mixed group of museum buffs and visitor's who would rather enjoy the sights and sounds than wander around a cold museum. The Magic Gardens is a gorgeous, mosaic masterpiece that encompasses 3 city lots on South Street. The gardens are both indoor and outdoor. Those of you with large wallets can even return home with your own priceless work of art. Plus, if you are willing to spend $200, you can purchase the "volunteer/artist for the day" package, which gives you the opportunity to mosaic with the artist, Isaiah Zagar.

  • After taking in some South Street sights, a la Condom Kingdom, antique stores & the like- you can head to Jim's on 4th & South for a cheese steak. If you're in the mood for something a little nicer, head over to the Italian market and you'll find yummy dishes and fun vendors.

  • After you've enjoyed some lunch, head back to Center City and take a stroll through Rittenhouse Square Park. If you can get a table, stop by Rouge or Parc for a beverage.
  • Feeling super energetic? Go ahead and take in the architectural delights on W. 20th Street, where you'll find The Franklin Institute, Academy of Natural Sciences, Cathedral and The Free Library of Philadelphia.

By the time you make it home, you will have walked a good 6 plus miles! Talk about earning your cocktails!

*Mileage via

Sunday, April 25, 2010

there's how many?

So if you live in Philly, you are either pleasantly surprised by the emergence of calories on the local menus or you are seriously pissed off. Frankly, I can understand both sides. For some people, eating out is reserved for a special occasion and no one really counts calories at birthday dinners, special dates and the like. On the other hand, quite a few of us Philadelphians tend to eat out more than we probably should, due to our busy schedules and the convenience factor.

Those of us who make the regular pit-stop at starbucks on our way to work can probably guess that grabbing that old fashioned glazed doughnut will ruin our diet (clocks in around 420 cals) but would you think the same about a pecan scone, zucchini walnut muffin or cup of soup? Not necessarily.

Last Thursday night, I returned from class at 9 p.m. seriously hungry and in no mood to cook. So I headed to my neighborhood cosi for a quick sandwich. As I waited in line to pay, I was absolutely shocked to discover that the "Cosi sangria" beverage totaled 706 calories! Were they joking when they created this? In addition, their tuna melt (a seemingly healthy choice when looking at items described as buffalo blue chicken) came to a grand total of 874 calories. This really frightened me. While the majority of the calories listed wouldn't shock you--many of the items that we often consider to be the "healthy choice" are actually far worse than you could imagine. I almost fell over when I saw that the healthiest item at my Starbucks was a large rice krispy treat! You know we've got problems when marshmallow treats are considered a low cal choice.

In light of this dilemma, I've created a list of some of the best and worst choices when visiting Cosi and Starbucks. (I figured these are two of the most popular and convenient spots for drinks, snacks and quick eats at reasonable prices.) Hopefully, you'll be better prepared during your next visit...


You Better Not...
Zucchini Walnut Muffin: 490 Calories
Maple Oat Pecan Scone: 440 Cal
Old Fashioned Glazed Doughnut: 420 Cal
Double Chocolate Brownie: 410 Cal

Why not?
Marshmallow Dream Bar/ Rice Krispie Treat: 210 Cal
One Mini Glazed Doughnut: 120 Cal

Were they joking?
Tuna Melt: 874 Calories
Cosi Sangria: 706 Cal
Chocolate Chip Muffin: 506 Cal
New England Clam Chowder: 440 Cal

You could do worse.
Grilled Alaskan Salmon Salad: 457 Calories
TBM Light: 372 Cal
Lemonade: 300 Cal
Shanghai Chicken Salad: 313 Cal
Tomato Basil Soup: 225 Cal
Fruit Salad: 84 Cal
Iced Tea: 26 Cal

*Nutritional Information Courtesy of &
Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

loving lululemon

Spring has officially arrived, which means that it's time to throw away those gross dark sweatpants and ratty t-shirts in exchange for some chic new workout gear. Lululemon athletica probably makes the cutest, best-fitting workout clothes for women. Unfortunately, they are located two blocks from my apartment. Don't I have the worst luck? Sometimes I feel the need to restrain myself when I walk by. Either way, here are some of their cute new offerings. This gear is fun, flirty and colorful- so prepare to get catcalls from the construction workers on your way to yoga.

No Limit Tank in Coal/Lavender:

Groove Crop in Black/Splatter Stripe:

Run For Fun Dress in Lagoon:

Hot Yogi Tank in Black:

You can check out the entire Lululemon Athletica line by visiting

*Images Compliments of Lululemon Athletica

i like cold beverages

In honor of my recent excursion to Virginia for my first Alumni weekend festivities, I thought I would send some healthy alcoholic beverage choices your way! While it's always safe to do the typical liquor + diet soda option, here are a few other fun choices that won't spoil your hard workouts.

For all you beer drinker's out there, here are some safe bets:
  • Becks Premium Beer- 64 Calories
  • Budweiser Select- 55 Cal
  • Miller Genuine Draft light-64 Cal

Although you may end up on the floor after throwing back a few of these, liquor is probably the best choice for my health and weight conscious readers. Champagne is a sure fire hit with only 85 calories! Gin & Tonics are still pretty low at 103 calories and a rum & diet coke comes in at a measily 110. Looks like your pants might fit on Monday after all.

Heading for the tropics? No problem. Typically, Pina Colada's are jam packed with sugar and calories (especially the pre-made versions.) However, this Pina Colada Cooler offers the same great taste with only 165 calories - so you can sip this and still strut your stuff on the beach.

  • 1 1/2 ounces coconut flavored rum
  • 3 ounces pineapple juice
  • 4 ounces sparkling water
  • 1 tablespoon coco lopez cream of coconut lite (sold in the drink mixer section of your grocer)

Pour over ice & stir. Enjoy!

*Recipe Compliments of
*Image Courtesy of Creative Commons

Monday, April 12, 2010

delicious & nutritious

Loving this healthy new recipe from Katie Lee!
Her honey-cherry yogurt popsicles are perfect for a warm spring afternoon. These treats are low-cal and totally guilt free. Enjoy!

  • 1 cup plain greek style yogurt
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup coarsely chopped pitted cherries (thawed, if frozen)

Mix yogurt & honey until combined. Stir in cherries. Divide among 6 ice-pop molds. Freeze at least 4 hours until completely solid. Yum.

*Recipe Compliments of The Comfort Table: Recipes For Everyday Entertaining
*Image Courtesy of Creative Commons


How cool is this collapsible water bottle from vapur?! $10

Find it here...

change your diet, change your life

So, I've gotta admit. I grew up as more of a "meat and potatoes" kind of girl. With an old-fashioned Italian grandmother on hand, meatball & pasta filled Sunday dinners were pretty common. That being said, I think healthy cooking is really important (probably a result of this upbringing.) Luckily, a nice metabolism and plenty of exercise seems to do the trick. But I'm certainly no vegan and had no previous desire to forgo my regular dinner for a plate of asparagus.

And just to note, I'm not easily swayed by swanky "in" research.

Enter The China Study.

What an eye opener. For those of you who haven't yet picked up this gem, let me recommend that you run to your nearest bookstore (or kindle.) The China Study offers an interesting and frightening look into our country's health care and nutritional system.

To sum it all up, The China Study proves that a diet of whole foods, fruits and vegetables will help you lose weight, prevent and even fight existing illness. It's actually quite disturbing to see the blurred lines that currently exist between the meat/dairy industries, government and science. It seems that most doctors are aware that a "whole foods, plant based diet" is best for everyone but won't recommend it because they fear repercussions from the meat & dairy industries, as well as a loss of income from drug companies.

When you really think about it-doesn't that just make sense? How much longer do people think they can go on eating Big Macs without consequences? When you look at a cheeseburger versus an apple-is it really a question? Sometimes it seems that people get so defensive over their poor eating habits because they know that this behavior is unhealthy and don't want to face the obvious facts.

Like it or not, the facts are present in this book and others. I think it's only a matter of time before the majority of people finally accept it. Embrace it if you can. Giving up meat completely is a pretty big deal and I'm not sure I agree with that either-but loading up on extra fruits and veggies and cutting out processed foods can only help you.

a few of my favorite things: Lithe Method

Can’t stand another minute pounding away on the treadmill or elliptical? You’re in luck! Lithe Method is basically Pilates, ballet and cardio rolled together on steroids and will put you in tiptop shape in two weeks flat! If you can turn a blind eye to the $20 class price tag, you’ll see the benefits immediately. The price actually isn’t so bad when you consider how many classes you need to take to see results. Actually, I'm lying. It's too expensive. However, you really do see serious results quicker than regular gym classes. While it’s certainly better to go more often and everyday would be great-two will do the trick.

My favorites? High mini will blow you away with a combo of ballet plie’s, aerobics, sprinting and ab work, while fat free will smooth you all over with the best trampoline workout ever. Another killer is Twiggy- a super fun cheerleader-esque plan that incorporates resistance bands on your arms and legs to lengthen and tone.

FYI, you may wobble all the way home. Don’t say I didn’t warn you…

philly treats spotlight: Sweet Freedom Bakery

If you have food allergies, there’s a bakery on 14th and South with your name on it.

Sweet Freedom Bakery serves completely vegan (and delicious!) baked goods that are also Dairy, Casein, Egg and Gluten-Free. Basically, this place is heaven for Philadelphian’s who keep missing out on desserts due to special circumstances.
Although I am not allergic to gluten, I do have a slight intolerance and have been trying to cut back to see if any positive changes occur. While I haven’t particularly noticed any changes yet, I did find a really good bakery in the process! Currently, Sweet Freedom is focused on desserts but has begun to offer more savory treats like tomato pie and breads.

Honestly, their carrot cupcake is so delicious, you would never know it was gluten free. Plus, since these desserts aren’t chock full of sugar and processed ingredients, you won’t walk away from a cupcake binge feeling super heavy and sleepy. These treats are delicious and healthy. Stop by soon and I guarantee you won’t be disappointed by the lack of gluten.

Don’t miss: Carrot Cupcakes, (um, actually all cupcakes) Magic Bars, Chocolate Chip Cookie Sandwiches and Blondies. Be sure to check their Web site for daily offerings and special treats! The menu changes daily but the best sellers can always be found.

Sweet Freedom Bakery
1424 South Street
Philadelphia, Pa 19146

I'll be back next week with some chic spring workout gear!